Vande Mataram (1939)

Synopsis: Raghu (Nagaiah), an unemployed graduate, insists on marrying a village girl Janaki (Kanchanamala) despite the opposition of his scheming mother who wants a dowry. Raghu's unemployment problems continue despite his migration towards city, leaving his wife in the clutches of her mother-in-law. When Raghu wins a lottery for Rs 5 lakhs and returns home, he finds his wife and infant son have left.
Although his mother insists he marry again, Raghu goes to the city and dedicates himself to social work, including building factories in order to create employment opportunities. In this his rich female college friend, provoking gossip around their relationship, assists him. Raghu's wife, now a poor flower seller, sees her husband with his new friend and believes he has married. Eventually the misunderstanding is revolved.
Cast: Chittooru Nagaiah (Raghuramayya), Kanchanamala (Janaki), Mudigonda Linga Murthy, Kalyani (Jayalakshmi), Seshamamba (Paravathamma), Doraiswamy (Venkayya), Sabu (Anand), Kommuri Usha Rani, Gouripathi Sastry, Master Krishna, MC Raghavan, Lakshmi Devi, Rajeswari, Subba Rao, Rama Rao, Appala Swamy, Venkateswarlu
Story: BN Reddy
Screen-play: K. Ramnoth
Dialogues: Samudrala Raghavacharya
Lyrics: Samudrala Raghavacharya, Chittoor Subrahmanyam Pillai
Playback: Kanchanamala, Nagaiah, Master Viswam, Jayalakshmi, Kalyani, Sabu
Music: Chittooru Nagaiah
Cinematographer: K. Ramnoth
Editing: TAS Mani
Choreographer: Vedantam Raghavaiah
Art: AK Sekhar
Production Manager: KV Reddy
Asst. Director: Kamalakara Kameswara Rao
Producers: B.N. Reddy, Moola Narayana Swamy
Director: B.N. Reddy
Banner: Vauhini Pictures Ltd.
Duration: 222 minutes
Box-office: Hit
Trivia: This was first film for both Vauhini Studios and director BN Reddy.
This was based on 'Mangala Sutram', a short story by BN Reddy himself. He directed 3 films - Vande Mataram, Sumangali (1940) and Devatha (1941) - on this banner.


Anonymous said…
Very infornative

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