Devalayam (1985)

Cast: Sobhan Babu (Shankaram), Vijaya Santhi, Rao Gopala Rao, JV Somayajulu, Annapurna, PL Narayana (Bhagavan Das), Sutti Velu, Sutti Veerabhadra Rao, Narra Venkateswara Rao, MVS Haranatha Rao, Mada, Pandit Ravikanth, Devi, Sashikala
Story: Modukuri Johnson
Dialogues: Modukuri Johnson, MVS Haranatha Rao
Music: Chakravarthi
Cinematography: Ravikanth Nagaich
Art: Thota Venkateswara Rao
Choreography: Thara
Co-director: Mutyala Subbaiah
Executive Producer: Narra Kotayya
Organising Producer: Y. Harikrishna
Producers: B. Lakshmi, Y. Rajya Lakshmi
Director: T. Krishna
Banner: Sri Nikethan Art Creations
Release Date: 15 May
Trivia: In this movie Sobhan Babu has seen in various getups as Srikrishna, Srirama, Parasurama, Socrates, Jeses Christ and Gouthama Buddha.
Popular Songs:
1. Dehamera devalayam
2. Hrudayalayana
3. Nee nuduta kumkuma


Anonymous said…
who is the lyricist ?

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